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Hunter Century F-10 Speed coil or no speed coil

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I have what looks to be a shaded pole motor with two speeds. I was expecting to find a speed coil.  Instead  low speed and high speed contacts on the switch go directly to the

the stator  via the red and white wire with the return on the black. I see no wires for a coil. The red and white measure about 30 ohms and 5 ohms to the common.  I did

find a pic of a F-10 and it had a speed coil , but the wiring looks original on this one.


What say the experts... Thanks



Show a picture of the motor. I suspect that if it is indeed a shaded pole, going by your readings, high speed will be 30 ohms and low will be 30 + 5, or 35 ohms.

That is probably a "tapped winding" shaded pole, from your description.

Without having any more details, pictures, and resistance measurements, it is truly impossible to say with any certainty.


Mark thanks for the info. I dug around in my garage and found another shade pole fan that did not have an external speed coil. Maybe this is

like you said a tapped winding. Will give it a try once I have the head wire on the stator replaced.


As always thanks




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