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OK you guys were right way back when and I didn't listen. I bought some Westinghouse fans.Yes I did!.So far a real PIA!..I keep messing with this thing, get frustrated,set it aside, work on GEs ,Emersons, then go back.The switch after restoring it, I thought it was not a solid enough feel between speeds at the switch.I broke another porcelain support unscrewing it.This stuff is brittle!It was broke in half with one support at the base  broke off when I got it.Anyway the point.I decided to check Ohms again,all readings were good except off.I keep getting 45.Ohms in the off position?Everything looked good!..I was just to the point of turning to you pros and I notice the brass conductor on the switch was bent slightly towards the first contact, not touching but close.I put a piece of tape between the contact and switch and yes, no more readings.Pic one the switch lever to clarify.So I bent the brass conductor away from the first contact,bent the switch slightly up so now it has a solid click and hold between speeds.Pic two back in place so it can be seen what I was saying about switch lever and first speed contact.

I thought if someone was messing with one of these it would be good to check this because if it were over slightly more, contact would be made.I don't know if close was causing a problem, but it couldn't be good getting a reading.







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