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The last Toastmaster...

Bejon A. Boranian

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...perhaps, the last they ever made...

1990's, the start of the "disc badge" phenomenon that plagues fans today...

Oh, don't forget the cheap "plastic ring.. (of death)" to hold the cages together. ๐Ÿ˜ต ๐Ÿ’€

Mines on its last legs... ๐Ÿ˜ž

Seriously, plastic cage rings wear out faster than metal cage clips...

Well...At least the blades are still the transparent glass-like type.

Powerful motor pumps the breeze out with little effort.








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..Yes, its got freckles (or speckles??)

Oh, dear... I don't know..ย 

...its moulded in with the plastic itself..ย 

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..Yep, my camera has just about had it today... ๐Ÿ˜†

..maybe its me, but this has a "swirl" look on the front cage spokes..๐Ÿ˜










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Interesting, I have not seen a desk fan from them that recent. It's a rebadge clearly, but interesting nonetheless.

The last box fans from Toastmaster were in 1996, the gray and white Thin N Lite style, but had a cheapy motor that looked like one in a modern Lasko box fan. I think after that they stopped selling fans...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, that helps narrow a year down, sometime around 1996.

Makes me wonder, if they rebadged or otherwise made some

mini-box fans (duracraft / tatung) style. Ever seen a clip fan from toastmaster??


P.S...I really need to remake that cage ring in metal... ๐Ÿ˜.ย 

Its only holding by a thread of plastic now! ๐Ÿ˜ž


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They could have rebadged some mini box fans or clip fans, wouldn't surprise me. This era of these seems pretty rare, I had not seen any oscillators from them past the brown/tan models that look a little like the Lakewoods.

I know 1996 was the last year for the box fans, someone on the forum had family that worked for Toastmaster in Boonville, MO and said that was the last year of them. The last boxers with the Toastmaster/McGraw motor were very early 90s I believe and a tan cabinet with the 5 wing banana blades in tan. Then the early 90s was gray with gray blades and white grilles and they switched to the McMillan motors. The last ones in 96 had a weird PSC type foreign motor that looks like a Lasko/Galaxy modern motor and wasn't as strong a breeze as the McMillans.

Sometime in the late 90s Toastmaster was sold to Salton... I think somebody else has bought the name, it disappeared from stores for a while. The commercial division ofย  Toastmaster that makes restaurant ranges, ovens, etc is still around.

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